Monday, November 30, 2009

Are you tired of burning the latest distros released onto DVD’s/CD’s to try them out?

Here is a solution to directly install a distro by directly booting the image files from the harddisk of a GNU/Linux operating system. The steps to be followed are prescribed below(Eg. Fedora 10 from Ubuntu 8.10)
1. Mount the iso image of the distro to a mount point
$ mkdir /media/fedora10
$sudo mount -o loop /home/jp/Fedora10.iso /media/fedora10
2. Copy the contents of the iso responsible for booting the distro to a folder in the root directory
The kernel -> is present in the isolinux/vmlinuz folder
initrd image -> responsible for loading the initial root file system in the RAM
3. Make a directory “Fedora” in root directory ” / “
$ sudo mkdir /fedora
4. Copy the isolinux and images folder in the iso to /fedora directory
$ cd /media/fedora10
$ sudo cp -rf isolinux /fedora
$ sudo cp -rf images /fedora
5.Copy the Fedora10.iso to /fedora
$ sudo cp /home/jp/Fedora10.iso /fedora
6.The final step is to configure the bootloader to load the files
$ sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst
title Fedora 10 DVD(from hard disk)
root (hd0,3)
kernel /fedora/isolinux/vmlinuz ro liveimg root=/dev/sda4 rhgb quiet
initrd /fedora/isolinux/initrd.img
Now reboot the computer and you will see a new option “ Fedora 10 DVD(from hard disk)“
Enter -> Install -> Enjoy!!


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